Use of Mind Control and U.S. Military to Shut Down Pornography Websites

Ensuring that sexual torture, sexual deprivation, rape, and sex trafficking does not occur, should be a priority of the U.S. Military to protect women. Use of space weapons to damage servers that host content that contains graphics or videos of sexual torture of sexual deprivation would ensure that there is no audience and thus no business for sex trafficking entrepreneurs to profit off the exploitation of financially or sexually vulnerable women. The lack of profits will ensure that there are no future victims, and that the current victims can find work outside of the pornography industry. Use of the Department of Justice to place victims of pornography, and monitor how pornographic images are distributed, and prosecuting pornography companies, will restore the victims of sexual abuse to being able to afford careers and educational pathways that previously seemed impossible to enter into or accomplish a degree and career path. Placing entrepreneurs of the pornography industry in prison for their crimes against women would also send a shockwave into the sex trade industry to stop all pornographic collection and dissemination, and this will ensure that the sex trade business is bankrupted, completely.