Clandestine Legal Transcripts


Legal transcripts must originate from the individual that created the records, originally, even through thoughts or subvocal speech or speech itself. The record that is stored in any transcript must pertain to the actual context of the conversation, in addition to the nature of the conversation, in addition to the purpose of the transcript, otherwise the record is stored elsewhere, such as (out loud) in a separate conversation that is being spoken out loud, or in a separate transcript that pertains to something else.

  • Erroneous records should be labelled as to whom made the record.
  • Cloning shall not occur on legal records, unless if the individual has represented the protectee or legal client properly.
  • Cybersecurity shall ensure that autonomous programs are not conversational, such that the computer programs are not chattering about non-sensical cases that are not necessary or are not of use or gain nothing for anyone, such as by banning fraudulent transcripts.
  • Errors on transcripts that are caught should be noted as (corrected), and the original records should be stored in metadata.
  • Voice recordings should always be kept, so the transcripts can be reviewed, to determine if there was any transcript fraud.
  • Computer programs are only authorized to speak for an individual if the computer program is authorized, such as a legal representation program, or a political research program.


Cybersecurity Should Not Damage the American People

Cybersecurity works should not be used in offensive systems that damage Americans.