Patrick McElhiney enjoyed the entertainment of Laura Townsley when they hung out, mostly at her house, after high school when they both graduated in 2001. She threw Patrick's 21st Birthday Party there at her house, and she also helped Patrick with office / secretarial work for his company, MCE123, for about a year off and on. She helped with the accounting for numerous years, organizing receipts, invoices, and deposit slips into neatly kept plastic boxes. She also made deposits for Patrick's company for some time, because Patrick didn't have enough time to get to the bank because he was working all of the time. She was a true friend that really cared about Patrick. She famously got mad at Patrick for not being present for most of his 21st birthday party - even though there was plenty of alcohol there. Patrick once tried to impress her by cleaning her bathroom. Laura now has a child of her own.
Laura Townsley
- My Friends, Neighbors, and Acquaintances
- Saturday, 01 September 2018
- MCE123 Marketing
- Hits: 1034