I believe that not being personal, doesn’t just mean being professional. I also think that being professional, doesn’t just mean not being personal. There’s a certain level of detail required to being professional, and personal, sometimes at the same time, to fully understand the consequences of your decisions. I also believe it means that one must get above their differences with people on a personal level, whatever the cost.
Personal relationships are highly professional, and professional relationships are highly personal. You need to know how to manage the two realms in the same interpersonal relationship with each person. If you’re entirely professional, you lose your ground on where you stand personally, because you can’t convey what you want, or what your beliefs are, when you’re entirely professional. But when you’re personal, you’re also breaking the law with regards to business – in a sense. The important factor is to get to the point where your personal and professional lives coexist with each other.
It’s a fact that people do this every day, and being professional doesn’t mean you must discount your personal life. It means you must be smart about how you share personal information, because it could totally throw off people that could be a professional asset to your business, while at the same time you must understand who is a personal contact, and who is a strictly professional contact. It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference when you’re single, because someone being professional may just be trying to get to know you, or, someone that is being personal may just be trying to advance their professional career. There are functions of the opposites, and combinations of these types as well, and it’s not just a black and white issue – for an example, some people use flirting in sales to get business – and that works to an extent, but you can burn professional relationships by doing this.
I think the worst thing you can do is be entirely professional – because if you are and you don’t have any money, then you’re essentially just a very high-class bum. I’ve known people that are like this – they live very rich lives, but it’s not necessary to be entirely professional to be a professional. You also must be careful about being too personal – because this can damage your reputation if you do it publicly. If you do it privately, it can become a game of a clandestine nature to expose or be exposed – so you must watch out for that as well.
Having a good professional life helps your personal life a lot, because you’ll be more successful at everything that you set out to do, whether that be found a Fortune 500 company, or raise children with your significant other. You just must be careful to introduce the two to each other in very selective ways, so that you don’t burn bridges. Also, don’t assume that someone is being personal, just because they’re being personal. Try to read into the situation more – especially if it’s me, because I know in my cases, I’ve always had an ulterior motive for every personal decision I’ve ever made. I’m rock solid professionally – I’m just not as easily understood personally, and this is one of my weaknesses.
I guess what I could do, or what I should do with regards to my personal life, is define it more – because I’m single, and it does sort of offend me when other people bring up their personal lives as excuses or explanations as to why they were busy, or why they didn’t do something. At a time, I was party to a lawsuit that people around me couldn’t wear their wedding rings. That just shows how serious my personal life is in a professional context. People really don’t know what they’re doing when they interpret issues dealing with security and my personal life, and I think this has negatively affected me professionally – because people really don’t understand what they are doing. They’re just following orders.
One of the problems with the orders is that they’re uncontrolled for the most part, at least from the vantage point of what is legal. I can basically do anything I want, and there’s nothing in place to control me, just because I have that much of an understanding of the legal system. People need to understand that this wasn’t my intention – it’s kind of like Eve taking a bite of the apple. In this sense, the apple is information, and the information is abstract – it doesn’t exist, unless I produce it. People need to understand that information doesn’t constitute a personal relationship with me, and that it also doesn’t rule it out. Information is separate from my personal life – because there is no personal life. That’s the point of this writing.
No one ever seems to understand this concept, because they don’t understand security. If they did, I would be a headline in the Media every 3.5 seconds – because everything I do is Press worthy. It’s the simple fact that I securitize everything that I do, that people don’t understand what I’m doing – they don’t ask me questions, because the questions ignite feelings or beliefs. No one can engage with me on this level because of the security – and thus, for anyone to engage with me on a personal level, they must first understand all the elements of the security. Otherwise, they don’t know what they’re doing – it’s just a political game, and they’re losing power with everything that they do – because of the information, because of the security.
My hope is that people begin to ask questions, rather than just assume things that they’ve learned about me – because those things may have just been matters of security, and really don’t pertain to me. Like any politician, it’s very complicated. You’re never going to figure me out by shutting down your thoughts regarding me, and pushing me away. That’s exactly what you don’t want to do – because that’s how people get a lot more attention, and to remain in the security bubble, you must keep an open mind. If you shut down, I can’t get you back until you decide to come back. If you keep an open mind, you can understand more about the security, and you’ll get a lot further than if you just push me away – because ultimately, I’m just trying to help everyone, while keeping a safe distance from the crowd. If you had the full story, and not just what people have thought, then you wouldn’t be wondering why I don’t like to be the center of attention – while at the same time I like to be the center of attention. If you understand what I’m not telling you, and you don’t talk about it, and you act and function as though you don’t know about it to everyone else – then you’re going to be very successful. If you talk about something I haven’t released, and you learned about it illegally, you’re only providing me an opportunity to challenge it in a legal system, and professionally, you don’t want to do that unless there’s a lot of people doing it all at the same time. Either way, I win.
Not Being Personal
- Personal
- Friday, 25 August 2017
- MCE123 Marketing
- Hits: 1354