These are pictures of my old home in Turlock, California. It was located at 1486 Crossbill Way. There were only two homes with this model in the subdivision, which was built by Franco Homes. It used to be peach colored with blue trim, and then it was painted brown with forest green trim. I mowed the lawn as a child, and my father would take me to go and get taco truck after I was done, usually once per week. Sometimes there were issues with drought in Turlock, CA. We had specific days of the week that we could water the lawn and plants. There were horse shoe pits in the backyard that my father and his brother Dave used to play with. There were lots of bird feeders. We originally planted three birch trees in the front yard, however they died. We also planted a magnolia tree in the front yard. The yards were watered using drip systems, something that we can't really use in New Hampshire because they freeze during the winter, but they work great in areas where water is scarce. We lived behind the Crowell Family Farm, as you can see the pine trees - they used to own the dairy that was in the place of our housing subdivision. Once a flock of peacocks landed on our roof, and I was trying to scare them away using popping caps, and someone from the Crowell house yelled "You better not be shooting at those birds!" My mother didn't allow guns at our house, for any reason.
Old Home (1486 Crossbill Way - Turlock, CA)
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