This technology pertains to algorithms or software that immerses the thoughts of the individual through IDEAINT technologies, into thought patterns that are necessary to interview the individual based on what their positions or thoughts are. This technology cannot be used for any type of criminal analysis or terrorism analysis or war analysis of any individual, clandestinely. Thought immersion is a real-time realization of the thoughts of others or of computerized visualizations or of real-time surveillance or of any other type of visualization, with or without audio, and may include real-time immersion into audible environments that are real or virtualized, that may pertain to what is occurring around the world in real-time, such as the use of this software for Presidential uses, to ensure the safety of the planet. This technology uses Artificial Telepathy to work. This technology can also be used for the viewing and subsequent interactions, in real time, with immersive visualized operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows or Ubuntu Linux with IDEAINT technologies, on an on-going basis, to allow a computer IDEAINT user to access a computer system simply through their thoughts, alone, to provide an immersed graphical user interface in a 3-dimensional environment around the individual. This technology receives thoughts from the individual immersed computer user, and translates them into uses of computer systems that the individual can see, clandestinely or covertly, through the covert use of mind control or artificial telepathy with their optical nerve, so the individual can operate a computer system while performing other tasks, such as working at a career position at a corporation, and the computer system could be maintaining their security, or maintaining their privacy, or could even be used to play video games while the individual works in real-time.