This invention concept pertains to the tracing of an IDEAINT signal or signature, linking thoughts back to an original source, by scanning for an IDEAINT Signature in a stream of IDEAINT, even if it is associated with someone else who didn’t have the thought, originally, and it identifies the thought type and signature linking back to someone else, based on their IDEAINT thought signature profile, that can be discovered even if their thoughts are swapped out with someone else’s at the time. This invention will help law enforcement identify whose thoughts those are, such as for individuals that conceal their thoughts as someone else’s thoughts, and conceals their thought profiles as someone else’s though profile. This may happen when someone wants to steal someone else’s intellectual property, that they make their thoughts look like the victim of the intellectual property theft, and then they make the victim of the intellectual property theft look like someone else, not the inventor, completely in the computer systems, to attempt to steal their intellectual professional identity, which may be coupled with attempting to take down the person’s digital identity online, or erasing their hard drives, or damaging their computer systems or their storage or backup systems.