This invention pertains to securitizing IDEAINT technologies to make them undesirable for theft while the technologies are under development, such that any user or any person that encounters the technologies will abandon the technologies if they are not authorized to use the technologies stemming from MCE123, such that no other entity can patent or trademark or copyright the technologies, such that any misuses will not occur, especially by third parties, and any misuses can be studied extensively while the technologies are being developed to ensure all security practices are considered throughout the development of the technologies, and to ensure that the technologies are not described by others, to ensure that a user does not obtain information about the technologies, or that anyone or anybody or anything does not obtain the documents pertaining to IDEAINT technologies to be able to describe, through their own experiences, what the technologies are in their own words as something else to patent or trademark or copyright the technologies, and to ensure that proper examination of the technologies can occur while not compromising the security of the technologies.