This technology invention concept pertains to a satellite scanning technology that can scan inside of a planet, whether it be under the planet’s crust, or within its oceans. This technology has the capability to monitor plate shifts that could lead to earthquakes and also has the ability to scan for mineral rights from space. This satellite technology also has the ability to scan the oceans, such as to find hidden treasures, or to find aircraft that crashed, or rock structures underneath the oceans, from space. This technology also has criminal justice features, that could locate missing persons from cold cases. This technology could locate shale deposits, or even oil, or natural gas for mining and extraction purposes for the mining industry, also. This technology could find sunken treasure chests from pirates, when ships sunk hundreds of years ago, beneath the ocean’s waters.
This technology works through the usage or utilization of radio frequency or light waves that penetrate through specific layers or levels of depth into a planet’s surface or waters, to return data to the satellite, that can indicate the types of materials that are contained in the data, based on the physical materials that are identified in three-dimensional models. Even soil types can be identified, deep into the planet’s crust, with this technology, that could be standard on spaceships in the future, that could help colonize other planets. This technology could also be used with probes, including from spacecraft, to study planets in distant areas of the Universe.