This invention concept pertains to a space scoop technology, that is like a sister technology to the ram scoop technology for jet aircraft, which the space scoop technology works for satellites and spacecraft, to collect noble gases that are in space, usually, and it uses a collector technology to suck in all of the gases, and then separates them, and then stores them according to the types of noble gases that are good for propulsion, including separating flammable propulsion gases from non-flammable propulsion gases. The gases are stored in a sophisticated tank storage system that has different compartments in the gas storage tank, and the compartments can change sizes, based on how much of each gas can be stored in each tank, such as with a collapsable membrane that keeps the gases stored in an expandable storage system, to allow more or less of any specific type of gas, based on how much of any specific gas is available in space. The propulsion system uses the gases, based on the type of propulsion that is needed, such as whether to use flammable gases for a fast movement, or a quick movement, or non-flammable gases for slow movement, or general movement in the direction that the satellite or spacecraft needs to move in, slowly.
- Patrick R. McElhiney
- Propulsion Systems (PROPSYS)