This pertains to planning for scenarios of real business activities and the formation of real industries into higher levels of technology. This process does not necessarily revolve around strict-domestic policy due to the International jurisdiction of MCE123, and the occurrences of projects that pertain to operations in foreign nations, such as projects in cooperation with foreign governments, and the overall global planning of operations is for the purpose of planning on how to integrate all of the components that are needed in various industries, while at the same time improving world trade for the United States and other nations through the development of long-term trade relations that seek to improve the world and the accomplishments of mankind, such as the ability to work together towards the development of advanced spacecraft while also working to advance industries and the basic necessities of security and quality of life for all persons worldwide. This process of global planning of operations is expected to yield a creation of a minimum of over 100 million new career positions that did not exist previously. The full potential of the project to create over 100 million new career positions will be determined as the complexity of the projects and industries grows to meet the needs of the space program, and additional inventions and industries develop around the new inventions and profits from the inventions and industries that develop the components for the inventions.