This technology pertains to a telescope that would be used in space including the use of multi-pass light magnification, loop multi-pass optical magnification, high-frequency phased gathering of light through the same digital equipment, and the use of both multi-layered physical optics that can be calibrated to focus a very large area of telescopic focus into a very small area of light focus. Once the light is focused into the small area, a process of multi-pass pico-optical magnification is used at a high frequency to accelerate the light at a level that produces sensor data on a 4D and 5D level, such that the speed of the light exceeds the normal speed of light, and the sensor equipment records the light at multiple bands of light on a 3D level on the X and Y of each Z plane within the pico-crystal optical sensor, all of the Z sensors are calculated based on the phases of the light passing through the pico-crystal on a Z plane, and the 5D level is determined based on how the light reacts to combinations of data from multiple pico-crystal sensors that determine how the instance of each photon interacts with various types of sensing technology such as multiple bands of quantum-atomic lasers. This telescopic technology would have the capability to sense the matter that all of the light passes through on a 4D and 5D level over the entire timeframe of the light since its inception, such that the light can be sensed to determine what matter exists at the distance of the focus, the history of the focus, and all of the matter that exists, existed, has moved through the light at any point in time on the light path, and all of the matter that has obstructed the light over the timeframe. This technology would be ideal for a long-range sensor system on a spacecraft. This system uses pico-sensing technology, quantum-nuclear light filtration with pico-sensing technology, multi-generation pico-light duplication and pico-light routing technology, and active pico-optical computing technology.