This is a concept for a system that integrates with surveillance systems, which makes it possible for an individual to advance his or her personal agenda in society, such as exploiting the Press, taking control of elements of the Government, controlling the Public’s opinions and feedback, and controlling activities in other organizations such as Private companies, Public companies, non-profits (501c3 and 501c4 alike), NGOs, and other types of organizations as well.
First, it starts by developing internal Classified intelligence that suggests there is a personal relationship, and this only works if there is a personal relationship – but the personal relationship isn’t fully materialized and is still in the planning stages, such as the two individuals are planning to get married.
The system monitors for loopholes in society and organizations, such as any references to specific information that correlates to the existence of a personal relationship.
Next, the system extorts the individuals that have made it known to the system that the personal relationship exists. The system intends to take control of the individuals, through pointing out that it was illegal to discuss the matters of the personal relationship, however instead of investigating into the misstep by the employee(s), the matter is handled in which the employee(s) are controlled by the system, which allows the advancement of the personal relationship through activities from the specific individuals.
This is especially necessary when it may not be entirely smart to talk about the personal relationship, after another employee has sexually harassed the person that the said personal relationship applies to. The reason is that the person who committed the unwanted sexual harassment could try to retaliate in such a case, against the person whom the person who was sexually harassed is seeing, or intends to see.
The system can also take advantage of loopholes in society and the Government, by offering to patch those loopholes, to make the Government and/or society stronger, while also introducing the personal relationship into society and/or the Government – because ultimately the loopholes existed because of the personal relationship.
The same types of activities can lead to taking control of Private or Public companies, non-profit organizations, and/or other organizations that also exhibit some form of extortion of exploitation of the personal relationship between the two individuals.
The individuals of the relationship could also offer to do volunteer work, to supplement their career in which they make money, if they are making enough to support themselves and/or if the volunteer work is super critical of the existence of the personal relationship.
This system could use Artificial Telepathy technologies, or other types of telepathic technologies, or other types of surveillance activities to collect data about the personal relationship existing before it has been announced.
The system could also use a personal recording device, or devices, such as the types of cameras that Police officers wear, to record the information / intelligence suggesting there is a personal relationship from the third party, for having evidence to bring it up as a case if need be.
Other types of surveillance systems which could be used to build a sequence of intelligence, or information, about the personal relationship, could be CCTV camera systems linked to the Intelligence Community, and/or other observations by officials.
The system could, for instance, use at least two agents that represent the Government, to follow around the target of the political / legal maneuvering activities to exploit or extort the personal relationship, such as for the purpose of extorting national security, and those agents could collect information pertaining to the intelligence or information that presents its self in the proximity of the person who is being targeted for the personal relationship.