This technology pertains to the use of a reverse permeation water valve that turns on with electricity, such that the water is not able to flow through the permeation water valve without the electricity flow. This permeation filter works through the creation of an internal vacuum pressure or the creation of an internal water pressure, such that the pressure of buoyancy or the pressure of greater water pressure is the force of the difference of pressures, and the permeation water valve selects the direction of the flow as input or output at a “Y”, whereas each wing of the top of the “Y” is an option of the water valve. The water valve can be created with additional paths, such as a spig with three wings on the “Y”, such as selecting hot water or cold water flow, or a variable permeation filter with variable voltage on the permeation of hot and cold water if both are produced in bulk to have ultimate power control over the temperature differentiation rather than creating water at a specific warm temperature. The bulk hot and cold water differential is useful in large ships, in addition to the selection of input / output, such that the options of thrust and intake are available at all ports around the large ship, allowing the large ship to travel in any direction including sideways, forward, reverse, and diagonal.