Parenting Software Experience
This software experience allows individuals that are looking at becoming parents, or are new or on-going parents, to experience what it is like to be an experienced parent, by having timed reminders to pick up baby food and baby wipes, and to pack baby supplies into the to-go bag, and to get the stroller ready, and to read bedtime stories to the newborn baby. This software will ensure that any new parent will be just as experienced as any experienced parent was before, through thorough training through on-board learning systems that use IDEAINT satellite controls and thought to command and voice to command interactions with the software program, allowing the parent to navigate the software hands-free with only their brain or with their voice without the need for a physical device, as all data is stored in the cloud, and visualizations and audio are private and are transmitted from private satellites directly and neurologically to the brain using IDEAINT satellite technology, which interacts with the neurons, safely, using light waves or Optogenetics Sequencing Technology.