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MCE123 - Blog - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long will it take MCE123 to build a website for a new client?

The length of time it takes MCE123 to build a new website for a new customer depends solely on how large the website will be, and how many demands the client has for their website. For an example, a website re-design with less than 30 pages completed in 2019 by the company took approximately 13 days to complete. At the same time, the MCE123 Company website has taken years worth of work, and is an on-going project. The average website takes less than 2 months to complete. Larger websites, such as web services and web platforms, could take many years to complete, and could require hundreds or even thousands of contractors or employees dedicated to the project. We are experienced with a wide variety or project sizes, so it's really important that we have a discussion about your business model before we can give you an accurate timeline of how long it will take to complete the website.

Websites with Content Management Systems (CMS)

We seek to develop websites that allow our clients to edit themselves after we have initially designed the template and initial set of pages for them. For some clients, this will be an upgrade for an existing website. For other clients, this will be a completely new endeavor. Some of our clients have no problem managing their own website once we set it up with a back-end control panel, while other clients prefer us to manage their website for them, or teach them how to use the CMS control panel. Obviously, the cheapest solution would be to buy textbooks and study the process of managing your own website, while the easiest way is to pay us to manage your website. Each time you request a change to your website, that is billable time, so it will take longer to design depending upon how many changes you request.

We are committed to making our clients happy, whether it be a project that is under strict deadline, or a project that is strict on quality standards, or both. We're able to develop websites for clients of all types, in the amount of time that best suits their budget and their schedule to meet with us to pick out options for their new website. New websites can take anywhere from a month to many years to complete, depending upon how large and how complex the website is. We suggest that you reach out and Contact Us to learn more about how long it would take to build the specific website that you have in mind. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock