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MCE123 - Marketing Services

Website Analysis Services

Website Analysis ServicesOur Website Analysis Services gives you a deeper understanding of the quality of your organization’s web presence. Through website analysis, you can get a much stronger picture of your business's online presence through accurate statistics and overall data. Keeping track of user data and correlating it to the activity experienced on each of your web pages has become vital to remaining competitive in today's business world.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the primary tool used to determine the overall quality of web pages. SEO can track various statistics related to user experience and activity, including website traffic, what times experience peak visitor activity and traffic, who your customers are, and what interest they have in your website. SEO analytics looks at a vast number of characteristics, considerations, and other stats to create graphs that illustrate your website’s analysis.

Our website analysis report includes the following parameters:

  • Registration Date and Contact Details
  • Pages Indexed by Various Search Engines
  • Security Technologies
  • Site Speed
  • Backlinks
  • Keyword Optimizations
  • Directory Presence
  • Whole History of User Traffic

The following key services are part of our Website Analysis :

  • User Analytics – this service provides details about user statistics by analyzing a website's traffic logs. These logs are available by default for most websites. These analytics include how frequently specific users visit the website, users likes on the website (if available), and how visitors are using the website. Comprehensive user analytics show different ways you can improve a website based on those statistics alone.
  • Traffic Source Analytics - this analysis actually you where you users are coming from, including what search engines they are using to find your page (including what search terms they used) or whether they’re typing your website URL in the address bar or even using a bookmark. Maintaining these traffic source analytics is an incredibly important tool, identifying what source the users are using to find the website and what content actually interests them. This helps you build stronger content and develop engaging advertising strategies as well.
  • Behavioral Analytics - this form of analysis mainly looks at how users actually navigate your website. This includes even small details, like how they move the mouse cursor while on a specific page. You can use this info to identify what users are expecting from the website by their search history. There are additional tools that can further understand the behavior of users on a website such as their clicks, their purchases, where they are navigating on the website, and what they search for on the website itself. By analyzing these behaviors you can better build your website experience to accommodate your audience.

MCE123's website analysis experts can consult you on what services we offer and how they can help improve your current web presence. Reach out to us today for more information.

Our Service Area:

We service the following cities in Strafford County in New Hampshire:

Dover NH, Farmington NH, Durham NH, Madbury NH, Middleton NH, Rochester NH, Strafford NH, Rollinsford NH, Milton NH, Somersworth NH, New Durham NH, Barrington NH, Lee NH Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock