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MCE123 - Marketing Services

Trademark and Service Mark Legal Services

Trademark and Service Mark Legal Services

There are many different uses for trademarks and service marks, and every time that anyone refers to these legal aspects of brand strategy, the value of your products or services grows.

Trademarks and service marks can be used to protect the name of your company, the name of a product or product line, or the name of a service or service category. They can even be used to protect other intellectual property which has an association with the trademark or service mark, such as copyrights, patents, and other trademarks or service marks.

MCE123 is experienced in filing for trademarks and service marks to protect intellectual property and organizations, due to our background in intellectual property and marketing law. We know the ins and outs of trademark and service mark legal services from the registration phase to the management process.

Our marketing law professionals can also fight to uphold your rights as a trademark or service mark owner, such as removing unwanted uses from social media or other websites. However, you want to be careful not to destroy other people’s intentions to advertise your trademark or service mark, such as through parody or even through references – but if another organization uses your trademark or service mark without your authorization, we know what to do to make it stop and to get the company to pay damages.

When you own a trademark or service mark, it’s important to remember that you can establish rules about how it is used, such as preventing the registration of domain names using the mark. You can also specify how logos must be presented using an identity style sheet that we can create for you that lets the media and other users of your logo know what the rules are as far as color schemes, sizing, and font types.

There is no limit to how long a trademark or service mark can be registered for, but you want to make sure you’re the first one to claim the mark.

Contact us today to learn more about what we can do to secure the intellectual property of your business, so that others don’t take your names and slogans.

Our Service Area:

We service the following cities in Strafford County in New Hampshire:

Dover NH, Farmington NH, Durham NH, Madbury NH, Middleton NH, Rochester NH, Strafford NH, Rollinsford NH, Milton NH, Somersworth NH, New Durham NH, Barrington NH, Lee NH Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock