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MCE123 - Technology Development

Fused Welding Technology

This technology would be an improvement to the welding that is used for high-quality welding, such as welding that occurs on airplanes. The purpose of the fused welding technology would be to permanently connect parts for spacecraft, such that the welding is the equivalence of the parts having been the same piece the entire time. The fused welding may use magnetic guides and a special type of targeted laser that can weld in-between solid materials without heating up surrounding materials. This would be similar to the way other types of geospatial lasers can project light to a specific coordinate. The laser would be at a level that reacts lower than the sub-atomic level, causing a micro-fusion reaction in-between the materials. Instead of melting the pieces together, the micro-fusion would combine the sub-atomic structures of both parts as one, through the minimization of spaces in-between the sub-atomic particles. This can be done through the use of anti-matter equivalents to particles that are smaller than electrons, such as anti-quarks to quarks.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

MCE123SM invents original concepts for new high-tech technologies in our Technology Development department that can be purchased by other organizations to develop into physical products. Before you invest any time or money into refining or producing any invention that is in relation to anything you view on our website, please consult with our Legal Department. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property Theft lawsuits and cases to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing any of our products.

This Intellectual Property is owned by MCE123SM Technology Development. By viewing this Intellectual Property, you agree to the rights of the IP holder established under the Intellectual Property Rights Management agreement. To use the Intellectual Property, you must first obtain an Intellectual Property license, and you must pay royalties for each product that is produced using the Intellectual Property license. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock