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MCE123 - Technology Development

System That Safely Stops Vehicles

We’re thinking of a system, sort of like Low-Jack, which would safely stop vehicles, but be based on perimeters that are specific to specific vehicles, so that the vehicle could be limited to specific areas or perimeters within a city, state, or nation. The perimeters could be established based on the ignition computer, and based off radio transmissions that stop the vehicle from taking certain actions, such as preventing the vehicle from crossing over into pedestrian areas, or preventing the vehicle from crossing over into oncoming traffic. The onboard computers would basically just shut down the vehicle if it ever veered off course from normal paths. In the days of GPS and satellite surveillance, this could even be orchestrated by existing technologies.

This system could also be combined with a system that detects when a vehicle has been in proximity to alcohol dispensaries, and transmit information to local law enforcement of any indication that the driver is driving drunk. This could be determined with GPS navigation onboard the vehicle, which would determine driving habits, or changes in driving characteristics after being present in proximity to an alcohol dispensary. The courts could require the technology on any vehicle driven by anyone that has been convicted of a DUI in the past, for an example, paid for by the driver.

Vehicles could also be made so that they only work for specific drivers, through biometrics or other types of security technologies that verify who the driver is. This would also reduce the prevalence of vehicle theft.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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