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MCE123 - Technology Development

File History Feature Improvement to Cloud Storage

File History Feature Improvement to Cloud Storage

This improvement concept pertains to adding a file history feature, that would save copies of all files that have been modified, including meta data relating to what was modified in the file(s) and when. The reason why we came up with this idea, is that cloud storage is not perfectly protected from accidental file deletion, or malware / viruses that are designed to delete and/or encrypt all files, that would then be automatically uploaded to OneDrive or Google Drive if the encrypted or modified files are stored in the applications’ folders, i.e. /User/OneDrive/

This feature would also help to allow version control on backups, as such that OneDrive or Google Drive could be used for repositories that keep version data. The amount of storage that would be required for such a system would be astronomical when compared to the standard usage patterns that are now being used. It could require several more terabytes per terabyte of data stored, to store the changes and file histories.

There could be the exclude function, which would allow individual files and folders to be selectively backed up without having their versions saved, such as for saving space on the remote servers.

There could also be incorporation of virus protection with OneDrive, so that infected files are not allowed to over-write good files, and protection from operations that attempt to purge files all at once, or even sequentially over a longer period.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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