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MCE123 - Technology Development

Improvements to LinkedIn

Improvements to LinkedIn

We think that LinkedIn should make their invitation system allow users to delete old contacts that have been taken from their address books of various e-mail accounts, or that have otherwise been imported. This concept developed because we have a lot of contacts that show up as “Invite”, that they are for email addresses of people that don’t even use those addresses anymore, so it just clogs up the add connections dialogue – because you have to scroll through all of the old contact information to see what other active members are available, kind of staggered in-between the old contacts.

LinkedIn should make an option where we can just delete all of the data it collected and start fresh or have a manual deletion option for each specific item.

LinkedIn should also fix the problem with images not showing up correctly in the chat dialogues – this happened to us even when communicating with a LinkedIn staff member.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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